Find out more about our new feature which is set to empower clubs to create, sell and manage memberships.

Our new 'Club Memberships' functionality is designed to enhance the management of club memberships within the Sport:80 Platform. The new feature empowers clubs to seamlessly take control of their memberships and benefit from greater customisability than ever before.

The feature gives clubs the ability to create membership types and pricing structures tailored to their specific needs. Whether it's annual and monthly memberships or special packages, it creates a significantly more straightforward process for both clubs and their members.

It also provides the ability to create public registration and renewal links which can be easily shared with club members, providing a user-friendly way for individuals to join or renew their memberships and become part of your club.

The integrated system can also direct users into NGB membership purchases, facilitating a seamless relationship between club and governing body.

The Club Memberships functionality is a significant step towards making membership management more efficient and user-friendly, placing customisation in your organisation’s hands while creating a smoother member experience.

To find out more about the functionality, book a free demo, or discover how we can help you by getting in touch!