National Governing Bodies (NGBs) are streamlining event management and ensuring compliance with our transformative event sanctioning functionality.

Events are the lifeblood of sport, and for National Governing Bodies (NGBs) and other sports organisations, the effective management of competitions, tournaments, trips, camps, courses, and more, is absolutely vital for growing participation, engaging members, and ultimately, growing revenues.

To ensure that we are able to best support our clients with such a crucial element of their businesses, we have developed functionality within the Sport:80 Platform which facilitates efficient, effective, and streamlined event sanctioning, licensing, and permitting.

Configurable to suit your organisation’s compliance needs

We recognise that every sports organisation has its own approach to events, that’s why we configure the event sanctioning functionality to align with their specific processes and formats. This way, the NGB can ensure that they are able to collect the exact details and information they require from event organisers, and ensure the necessary steps are taken to appropriately run a sanctioned event. The required submission details could include:

  • Event organiser details including who the organiser is, their personal information, contact details, role within the sport, etc.
  • Personnel working the event such as volunteers, accredited officials, and judges
  • Event format and whether it is a competition, training camp, tour, trip, or educational course
  • Entry categories by age, gender, classification, and whether it is an open or invite-only event
  • Entry costs and number of places available
  • Eligibility & minimum entry requirements including membership type, age, competency etc.
  • Event date and location including opening and closing of registration, details about the venue and whether facilities meets minimum standards
  • Equipment being used, for example, within the sport of Table Tennis information is collected relating to the type and number of tables, flooring and lighting used
  • A sanction, license, or permit fee can also be collected as part of this process, paid for using our integrated payment gateway, Stripe.

Through use of our event sanctioning tools, NGBs are able to ensure event organisers are setting up competitions, trips, courses, camps and other types of events which meet their minimum compliance standards. In many cases, this then provide the event organiser with insurance, and the governing body is able to continue providing a safe environment for their community.

Not only that, but once an event has been set up and approved by the governing body, the Platform can also be used by the event organiser and participants for online registration.

Save time, grow participation, and generate revenue

For many of our clients, the functionality has automated and streamlined many processes. Where staff were previously spending considerable amounts of time managing the sanctioning process manually, our Platform has allowed them to automate manual tasks and use resources more effectively, focusing their efforts on more valuable areas of their businesses.

Additionally, the functionality has provided customers with considerable insights into participation, particularly when used in tandem with our data visualisation dashboards solution. By determining the number of participants engaging in certain event types, NGBs are able to more effectively target areas for growing their sport, ensuring they are delivering the best possible service to their communities and driving revenue growth.

Increasing participation isn’t the only way the functionality can support revenue generation, either. By providing NGBs with the ability to easily collect event sanction fees online, and in some cases charge a fee-per-head for every registration processed, organisations are able to create additional funds for the growth of their sport.

There are a number of cases of Sport:80 clients using the functionality to great success. For example, USA Track & Field utilise the solution to manage the sanctioning of approximately 8,000 events each year, which involves a multi-stage process supported end-to-end by the Sport:80 Platform. We have also developed functionality for the NGB which automates both the calculation of the event sanction fee based on the number of expected entrants and the issuing of insurance certificates. This adds an extra layer of functionality to streamline previously time-consuming processes involved in managing thousands of events.

Similarly, British Fencing have used the system to sanction over 2,000 events. Having initially adopted the functionality to manage the delivery of their national events, they have since rolled the solution out to all of the local event organisers within their network, many of which also use the Platform to manage their event registrations.

The event sanctioning functionality is one of several tools in the Sport:80 product suite which has a significant impact on simplifying time-consuming and resource-wasting processes, and the organisations which have fully embraced its capacity for automation are reaping the rewards.

If you are interested in finding out more about how the event sanctioning functionality can support your organisation, or if you have any other questions about how we can help you, get in touch.